Aquariums come in all shapes and sizes, so it can be tricky to decide which one is right for your goldfish. A good rule of thumb is that each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water. So, if you have two goldfish, you will need a 20-gallon aquarium.
Of course, the more space your goldfish have to swim, the better!
There are a lot of factors to consider when trying to determine the best size aquarium for your goldfish. How many fish do you have? What kind of goldfish do you have?
What is the adult size of your goldfish? All of these things will help determine the minimum size aquarium that you will need to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for your fish.
As a general rule, you should expect your goldfish to grow about 1” per month.
So, if you have two goldfish, you will need an aquarium that is at least 24” long. This will give them plenty of room to swim around and stay active. It is also important to remember that goldfish produce a lot of waste, so you will need a filter system that can handle the extra waste.
If you are unsure about what size aquarium to get, it is always better to err on the side of caution and go with a larger one. Your fish will thank you for it!
Table of Contents
Goldfish Tank Size – How big does your tank need to be?
What Size Tank is Good for 2 Goldfish?
A good size tank for 2 goldfish is a 20 gallon tank. Goldfish are very active fish and need a lot of space to swim around. They also produce a lot of waste, so a larger tank is better for them.
How Many Litres of Tank Do I Need for 2 Goldfish?
When it comes to deciding how big of a tank you need for your goldfish, there are two main considerations: the number of fish and the adult size of your fish. A good rule of thumb is that you should have at least 10 gallons (45 L) of tank per goldfish. However, if you have fancy goldfish or koi, you will need even more room, as these fish can grow quite large.
As for the number of fish, a good rule of thumb is 1” (2.5 cm) of fish per gallon (4 L). So, if you have two goldfish that are each 4” (10 cm), then you will need at least a 40 gallon (180 L) tank.
Of course, these are just general guidelines and there are many other factors to consider when choosing the right tank size for your goldfish.
But following these simple rules will help ensure that your goldfish have plenty of room to swim and thrive in their new home.
Can I Have 2 Goldfish in a Small Tank?
While it’s possible to have 2 goldfish in a small tank, it’s not recommended. Goldfish are very messy fish and produce a lot of waste. They also grow quite large, so a small tank won’t be big enough for them in the long run.
If you do decide to keep 2 goldfish in a small tank, be sure to do your research and learn how to properly care for them.
Can 2 Goldfish Live in a 10 Gallon Tank?
The size of a goldfish tank is often determined by the number of fish that will be living in it. For two goldfish, a 10 gallon tank is the minimum size recommended. This allows each fish to have at least 5 gallons of water, which is necessary for their health and well-being.
In addition, a 10 gallon tank provides enough space for the fish to swim and explore without being overcrowded.
Goldfish are also known to produce a lot of waste, so it’s important to have a filter that can handle the load. A good rule of thumb is to have a filter that can turn over the entire volume of your tank at least 4 times per hour.
This will help keep the water clean and prevent ammonia build-up, which can be harmful to your fish.
Overall, two goldfish can happily live in a 10 gallon tank as long as you provide them with proper filtration and care. By giving them the space they need, you’ll be able to enjoy watching them swim and grow for years to come!

Goldfish Tank Size Calculator
If you’re thinking about getting a goldfish, one of the first things you need to do is figure out what size tank you’ll need. A good rule of thumb is that your tank should be at least 10 gallons for each fish. But there are a lot of other factors to consider when determining the perfect size for your new pet’s home.
The type of goldfish you have (or want) is one of the biggest considerations. Common goldfish can grow quite large, up to 18 inches, whereas fancy goldfish tend to stay smaller, around 6 inches. Obviously, this will affect how many fish you can keep in your tank and how big it needs to be.
Another important factor is whether or not you plan on keeping other fish with your goldfish. Goldfish are relatively peaceful creatures but they can be territorial, so it’s best to avoid putting them in with other aggressive fish. If you do want to keep multiple types of fish together, make sure they all require similar water conditions (temperature, pH level, etc.).
That way everyone will be happy and healthy!
Finally, take into account any decorations or plants you might want in your tank. These will obviously occupy space and could potentially affect the water quality if not properly maintained.
All in all, a good general rule is that your tank should be at least 20 gallons if you plan on having more than one goldfish or keeping other fish with them.
Now that you know all this information, it’s time to get out there and find the perfect sized tank for your new pet goldfish!
What Size Tank for Goldfish
Assuming you are talking about the size of an aquarium, the minimum size tank for goldfish is 20 gallons. This is because goldfish produce a lot of waste and need plenty of room to swim around. They also grow quite large, so even a 20 gallon tank will eventually need to be replaced with a larger one.
How Many Goldfish in a 30 Litre Tank
A 30 litre tank is a bit on the small side for goldfish. A single fish needs at least 10 gallons, and 20 gallons would be better. That said, you could theoretically keep 2-3 goldfish in a 30 litre tank if they were very small (fancy goldfish get big, so don’t try to keep more than one in this size tank).
If you want to keep goldfish in a smaller aquarium, consider getting some plants to help with filtration and water quality.
A common question that new goldfish owners ask is, “What size aquarium should I get for my two goldfish?” The answer to this question isn’t as simple as it may seem. In order to properly care for your goldfish, you need to consider a few factors such as the type of goldfish you have, their adult size, and how many fish you want to keep in your aquarium.
The first factor you need to consider is the type of goldfish you have. There are two main types of goldfish – fancy goldfish and common goldfish. Fancy goldfish include breeds like orandas, ryukins, and pearlscales.
These fish grow to be about 6-12 inches long when they’re fully grown. Common goldfish, on the other hand, can grow up to 18 inches long! So, if you have fancy goldfish, you’ll need a smaller aquarium than if you had common goldfish.
The second factor to consider is the adult size of your goldfish. Even though fancygoldfish only grow to be about 6-12 inches long, they still require more space than commongoldfish because they have shorter bodies and longer fins. This means that they need more roomto swim around without bumping into things or getting their fins tangled up.
If you’re not surehow big your fish will be when they’re full grown, it’s always better to err on the side of cautionand get a larger aquarium so that your fish have plenty of room to swim and explore.
Lastly, you need to think about how many fish you want to keep in your aquarium. Generallyspeaking, each adult fancygoldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water while each adult commongoldfish needs at least 20 gallons of water .
However ,ifyou wantto keep more than 2-3 fishes in your tank ,you’ll ne ed t oincrease these numbers by10% for each additional fish . For example ,a 40 gallon tank wouldbe suitable for 4 fancy g oldfis hor2 c ommon g oldfis h .